What's New in Rails 7.1
- A New API for Async Queries in Rails
- Resetting Singular Associations
- Disabling Methods Generated By ActiveRecord#enum
- Support for Common Table Expressions
- Support for Async Bulk Record Destruction
- ActiveRecord::Relation#explain Accepts Options
- Active Record regroup
- New stub_const method for Testing
- Password Challenge via has_secure_password
- Saving Attachments Returning the Blob
- Storage of CSRF Tokens Outside of Sessions
- Validity Checking for PostgreSQL Indexes
- ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select Accepts a Hash
- Number of Processors Match the Puma Worker Count
- preload and eager_load Associations to Be Unscoped
- Default Dockerfiles for New Rails Applications
- Default Health Controller
- New Rails.env.local? for Environment Checks
- New ActiveRecord::Persistence#update_attribute! Method
- Templates Capable of Defining Accepted Locals
Source: What’s New in Rails 7.1
Lots of good stuff here.