Phish Just Jams
The PhishJustJams website presents the music of Phish and the Trey Anasasio Band with the lyrics and composed sections removed, so you can get just to the jams. I find it distracting to hear lyrics when I am working or reading, so I would often listen to a compilation that someone (“dug”) put together back in 1998 of Phish jams from the Fall of ‘97. After years of listening to this compilation I decided to do the same thing for Phish in 3.0. After I finished that project I went back and attacked the years from 1993-2003. While I was working on those older tracks my brother took over cutting up the tracks from their current tours. He also went back and cut up the TAB shows from 2002 and 2003, which had tons of great 20-minute jams all over the place.
Source: Phish Just Jams