the way that Studios usually work is like this man you make a couple of games that are kind of like maybe they do a little bit of good and then you’re like cool we’ve built up maybe enough money that we can take kind of a maybe a Gamble and if it doesn’t do well then we’re okay and we can just go back to making small games again but if it does do well then we can go back to making small games again anyway the problem arises when you have a bunch of small games and then you get the big game and the big game does well and they’re like now let’s make a bigger game and now let’s make a bigger game and then they just collapse because one of them fails right what you should do is You’ be like small small small big small small small okay we’re ready maybe another big one now a little bit riskier and like this is the more sustainable model and you know what this leads to no crunch no no insane oh my God we’re running out of money no layoffs because you do it sustainably in a way that makes sense the problem arises when you are taking too many gambles

Source: Game Studio Gambles - YouTube

This line of thinking doesn’t just apply to game studios.

Good comment:

To quote another video he made, Dont grow to the size of the fish tank.