Why won't some people pay for news?
Why wont some people pay for news? In no particular order A: The product stinks. Throughout most of the English-speaking world, local publications, if they exist, are abysmal. National-level publications may be quality, but even that can be iffy. The typical large-city publication now consists almost entirely of press releases and foreign outsourced text, if not outright auto-generated copy. GPT-3 should be all the rage any minute now. B: At the same time, there’s a phenomenal resistance to providing information in sensible formats: tables or charts for quantitative information, maps for geographic (say: wildfire boundaries, natural disaster impact regions). The press appear to feel the public are entirely illiterate and are taking all possible pains to ensure this remains the case. C: Partisanship has increased to the point that trust in any opposing news media is all but nil. In numerous cases, the m…
Source: Why won’t some people pay for news?
Some interesting points