Ruby Simple HTTP Server, minimalist Rake
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I use a really simple HTTP server all the time. It happens to be written in Python:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 5000
That serves all the files in the current directory over HTTP on port 5000. Honestly, it works just fine, but I’ve always wondered if Ruby had an equivalent.
Here it is:
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000
(from Aaron Patterson’s tweet found via Zach Morek)
It’s pretty much the same, except it’s written in Ruby. More often than not, that’s not a big difference – except I can understand the code behind it.
# = un.rb
# Copyright (c) 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
# This program is free software.
# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of Ruby.
# [...]
# Run WEBrick HTTP server.
# ruby -run -e httpd -- [OPTION] DocumentRoot
# --bind-address=ADDR address to bind
# --port=NUM listening port number
# --max-clients=MAX max number of simultaneous clients
# --temp-dir=DIR temporary directory
# --do-not-reverse-lookup disable reverse lookup
# --request-timeout=SECOND request timeout in seconds
# --http-version=VERSION HTTP version
# -v verbose
def httpd
setup("", "BindAddress=ADDR", "Port=PORT", "MaxClients=NUM", "TempDir=DIR",
"DoNotReverseLookup", "RequestTimeout=SECOND", "HTTPVersion=VERSION") do
|argv, options|
require 'webrick'
opt = options[:RequestTimeout] and options[:RequestTimeout] = opt.to_i
[:Port, :MaxClients].each do |name|
opt = options[name] and (options[name] = Integer(opt)) rescue nil
unless argv.size == 1
raise ArgumentError, "DocumentRoot is mandatory"
options[:DocumentRoot] = argv.shift
s =
shut = proc {s.shutdown}
siglist = %w"TERM QUIT"
siglist.concat(%w"HUP INT") if STDIN.tty?
siglist &= Signal.list.keys
siglist.each do |sig|
Signal.trap(sig, shut)
So how does it work? It’s actually a little surprising. Here’s the command again for reference:
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000
In order:
- Obviously,
is the normal Ruby interpreter. - The
switch requires a file in the load path, in this case Ruby’slib
directory. In this case, it’s loading a file calledun.rb
so that it looks like-run
when taken as a whole. (It could be written as-r un
as well.) This is similar toubygems.rb
which you may have seen asruby -rubygems
. That seems like an ugly solution, but it’s elegant in its own way. This naming hack is only really an option for files in Ruby itself, anyway. - As you can see above,
is just a method, which is executed by-e
. - The DocumentRoot argument
is just taken as a standard argument usingARGV
, which I found surprising. - Finally, the port is set using the
method, which in turn calls out to the built inOptionParser
While that code is probably too clever, it’s nice to have a simple HTTP server wherever I have Ruby.
Even more, the concept is reusable:
# File: ake.rb
# Minimalist rake. :)
def greet
puts "Hello, #{ ARGV[0] }!"
Here’s the output
$ ruby -I . -rake -e greet Ben
Hello, Ben!
$ ruby -r ./ake -e greet Ben
Hello, Ben!
That could be a nice minimalist way to write some helper scripts without Rake or Thor.