Fast Specs
I gave a talk on “Fast Specs” at our first round of lightning talks for ICRuby. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
Summary: techniques for speeding up the test suite in your Rails app (subsecond specs in some cases)
My slides are up from my #LightningTalk on #FastSpecs at today’s @icruby meetup… #Ruby #IowaCity
— Benjamin Oakes (@benjaminoakes) April 4, 2013
@benjaminoakes Very cool :) Will be checking this out.
— Jason Wieringa (@jwieringa) April 4, 2013
@jwieringa Cool, I hope it’s interesting... and helpful.:)
— Benjamin Oakes (@benjaminoakes) April 4, 2013
@benjaminoakes Good stuff.Have you tried `bundle install --standalone` to avoid the runtime bundler tax?…
— Myron Marston (@myronmarston) April 4, 2013
@myronmarston Thanks!:)We’ve played with changing our use of Bundler, but I hadn’t heard of `--standalone` before.I’ll have to try it.
— Benjamin Oakes (@benjaminoakes) April 5, 2013